Rise of the Ronin

Historical Figures

Samurai : History and Legacy of Japan’s Warriors

In this article, we’ll dive into the origins, history, and duties of the samurai, explore the differences between samurai and bushi, and even introduce some must-play games that bring these legendary figures to life.
Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin : Explore the Epic World

Let’s explore what makes this game so captivating, from its unique story to its standout features.

Best Japan-Themed Games to play

Here are five must-play Japan-themed games that will captivate your heart and expand your cultural horizons!
Cultural Objects

What Are Daruma Dolls? Origins and Role in Japanese Culture

In this article, we’ll dive into everything about Daruma dolls—from their origins and the historical figure they’re modeled after, to when they first became part of Japanese culture and the exciting Daruma markets held across the country.