Nioh 2 Discover Gozuki and Mezuki: Their Role in Nioh 2 and Buddhism In this article, we’ll explore who Gozuki and Mezuki are, their roles in Buddhism, their iconic designs, and their portrayal in Nioh 2. 2024.11.19 Nioh 2
Yokai Who is Yamanba? (Japanese Yokai) In this article, we talk about a Japanese Yokai called Yamanba and her appearance in Nioh 2 2024.09.13 Yokai
Yokai What is Sunekosuri? (Japanese Yokai) In this article, we explained about the Japanese Yokai Culture and the Yokai named Sunekosuri. Also, we talked about Sunekosuri "Scampuss" appearance in the video game Nioh 2. 2024.09.09 Yokai