What is Sunekosuri? (Japanese Yokai)


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What is #Sunekosuri? (Japanese Yokai) Yokai

Have you ever heard about Sunekosuri? Sunekosuri is a Japanese Yokai which is, in our opinion, a very cute and harmless Yokai. In this Article, we are going to talk a little bit about this lovely yokai.

Also, we are sharing our adventure with Sunekosuri “Scampuss” which appears in the video game Nioh 2.


What is Sunekosuri? (Japanese Yokai)


Sunekosuri すねこすり Translated to English would be something like “Rubbing against the shin” is a yokai that takes the form of a cat or at least has a very similar shape to a household cat.

The Origin of Yokai Sunekosuri

The origin of this particular Yokai is set to be from Okayama Prefecture in Japan. Folklore tales from the city of Ibara-shi tell the story of Sunekosuri appearing mostly at night during bad weather, especially during rainfall.

Encounter with Sunekosuri

Witnesses have described Sunekosuri as a Household cat in some encounters, others says that this Yokai has the characteristic of a small dog with pointy ears. But the one feature they describe mostly is that this creature is set to have a chubby, curvy body.


Sunekosuri first approaches the person and immediately starts rubbing its body against the person’s legs. In some instances, when children are walking or running around their business, Sunekosuri appears and entangles itself against their legs, sometimes causing them to lose their balance and fall.

Sunekosuri in Nioh 2

In the Game developed by Team Ninja Nioh 2, Sunekosuri appearance is portrayed somewhat similar to what most sources on the Internet describe. A small, chubby and rounded shape cat. Sunekosuri is the Japanese name given, but in the west they gave this yokai the name “Scampuss”

Scampuss is usually located in random places throughout the game, often hidden from clear view, but players can notice its presence nearby if they listen closely. Yes, you are correct, you will hear a cat’s adorable meowing and when you approach it, Sunekosuri becomes aware of your presence and welcomes you with a beautiful set of big eyes and some friendly meows wondering about your intentions. Players can decide whether to pet this Yokai or ignore it. Honestly, who would decide not to pet these beautiful creatures, we know we wouldn’t.

What can this Yokai Cat do for you in Nioh 2

Now, If you are like us and decide to pet and give some love to this cute, fur ball Scampuss will accompany you around for a while and even help you in your adventures during your gameplay.

Sunekosuri can help you fight other Yokai in the game, and despite their cute looks and small size, they can do a lot of damage to enemies, thus reliving you from a lot of heavy fighting pressure.

Nioh 2 Sunekosuri in transformed state
Nioh 2 Sunekosuri in transformed state

How many Sunekosuri can accompany you during your mission

In Nioh 2 players can find Sunekosuri at random times and usually in most cases you might just find one or two around but If you always love to have their company you can actually forge them at the Blacksmith. Yes! You read that right! If you gather the necessary items during your gameplay, you can actually go to the blacksmith and forge them there. If this is the case, you can carry with you many Sunekosuri in your pocket! Isn’t that amazing!

The game only allows you to have three Sunekosuri at the same time. In my opinion, that is very unfortunate, and we often wonder what would it be like to arm ourselves with an army of 7 Sunekosuri. That would be awesome, for sure.

Some Pictures and Video of Sunekosuri in Nioh 2 during gameplay


After passing this Torii and Sakura tree, We had our first encounter with a Sunekosuri


This place is so beautiful!


Oh! There are some bad people around this area!


We need to get rid of them !


Right there! I see it!


Where? I don’t see it!


Seems to be resting over there at the bottom of that Stone Lantern.

Let’s go near and take a look!


Oh! There it is!



Sunekosuri is sleeping


Sunekosuri, let’s go play and meet more of your friends!


I heard more of Sunekosuri’s friends went to play with Mezuki

Nioh2 A trio of Sunekosuri
Nioh2 A trio of Sunekosuri
Nioh 2 Sunekosuri  with Mezuki
Nioh 2 Sunekosuri with Mezuki

Look at them! They seem to be having a great time!


Yes indeed! Mezuki looks happy with them!

Nioh 2 Sunekosuri  with Mezuki
Nioh 2 Sunekosuri with Mezuki
Nioh 2 Mezuki's Happy Face!
Nioh 2 Mezuki’s Happy Face!

Sunekosuri in Nioh 2 is a great Yokai Companion

At the end of the day. Everyone in this mission looked and enjoyed some Cherry Blossoms Viewing!

Sunekosuri really warmed everyone’s hearts and made everybody happy.

Nioh 2 Relaxing with Sunekosuri "Scampuss"
Nioh 2 Relaxing with Sunekosuri “Scampuss”

Next time, I would like to talk about Yamanba. That yokai we encountered in the mountains!


Oh, yes! We were able to run fast and escape from her that day.

That sounds interesting! I can’t wait.


Please check the article link below to read and know who Yamanba is!


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